In Hindu epic Ramayana which were written in India more than two millennia ago, says after killing the demon Pushpak viman ( Air craft ) came from outside of the world, which was sent to help Rama for travelling a long journey from Lanka to Ayodhya . The Nazca lines located in South America, a series of ancient design along with lines and a shape stretching more than 50 miles which includes animal’s birds humans is still a mystery. Many examples and mysteries are available on the internet and magazines
Many alien theorists believe it is the work of extra terrestrials who left their mark. There could be other civilizations too which we cannot ignore totally. They came and visited because they are having ability to travel throughout the space, they are having advanced technology too. Obviously they are this much developed that they can travel through space, we are also under process of development.
It can be we are present in a different time in space, it means the technology was very developed by Aliens. if it is correct then they are also in process of developing technology like us, it can be that there is another more developed civilization in space who are having all the controls of life which we are not having.
Scientist are also trying to contact to the outer world in space by sending messaging code through a computer, it might be the major development on earth takes place with the help of them, In ancient time too as they created some creatures and helped us. Which we call alien it can be they are the future of our civilization. We know the things and development is going in a systematic way, like human body, it can be there is a system under system divided by space time and travel. UFO’s are seen in many areas on earth.
As we know we human are having the quality of self improvement, by past experience we are learning the things that how to do the things. We apply logic, a computer cannot for each and everything to be done we have to give an instructions.
It can be everything is already divided already into different timings and many worlds we cannot see or travel like alien because we are not developed that much developed technology . We have to understand the whole system on a huge level.
Oh nice, please make a blog in which tell about area51