Friday, July 12, 2013

Comparing Human Brain and Computer Machine

                  Before the development of the calculator, most calculations were done by humans.  As computer is a development of calculator. Mechanical tools to help humans with digital calculations were then called "calculating machines”. After much time and development in software and hardware both the present form of the computer was generated. Many scientist, engineers, programmers played the role for the present form of the machine.

                   The human brain - We can only estimate the processing power of the average human brain as there is no way to measure it quantitatively as of yet. If the theory of taking nerve volume to be proportional to processing power is true we then, may have a correct estimate of the human brain's processing power.

                   we understand the neural assemblies is the retina of the vertebrate eye quite well (structurally and functionally) because it helps to give us a idea of the human brain's capability.

                   The retina is a nerve tissue in the back of the eyeball which detects lights and sends images to the brain. A human retina has a size of about a centimeter square is half a millimeter thick and is made up of 100 million neurons. Scientists say that the retina sends to the brain, particular patches of images indicating light intensity differences which are transported via the optic nerve, a million-fiber cable which reaches deep into the brain.

Overall, the retina seems to process about ten one-million-point images per second.

                   Because the 1,500 cubic centimeter human brain is about 100,000 times as large as the retina, by simple calculation, we can estimate the processing power of a average brain to be about 100 million MIPS (Million computer Instructions Per Second).

                   By simple calculation, we can see that we would need at least 24,000 of these processors in a system to match up to the total speed of the brain!! (Which means the brain is like a  168, 0000 MHz Pentium computer). But even so, other factors like memory and the complexity of the system needed to handle so many processors will not be a simple task.

                   We need food, water etc. for the purpose of energy. Electronics eat electricity and dissipate heat. Human body releases basically any organic material. Heat is just pure wasted energy, energy that escaped from doing work. Heat and work are the same. Life forms move, from the cellular to the multi-cellular organisms. Non-living forms do not move. Robots are like leaves blown by wind or sticks pushed by a river. The programming code is the current. Both living and non-living have in common, the material interactions and gravity.

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