Friday, July 12, 2013

Computer Intelligence

                   We know human brains are more developed then computer or any other species in the world few intelligence features are more developed in modern computers by human brain. Humans are learning through experiments.

                   Currently computers can complete the specific tasks. Computers are able to generate specific results, for the set of instruction was installed.
Modern computers are very strong in gathering information.
Modern Computers processing power is superb; they can perform several operations on the same time. Processing power of modern computers is tremendous Hardware memory storage of modern computers is huge modern computers is ~1000 times faster that human’s ability.
Both humans and computers have limited ability in “deep” informational retrieval.

                   Humans can avoid pain hunger talk but this implementation in modern computers is very limited. Computer systems are not having learning ability and decision making process. Computer doesn’t understand the concept of family. It doesn’t understand the moral value of life. Intelligent System should have system development through a system for self development for the machine.

                   Computers might be able to beat human brains every time when it comes to mathematical calculations, quantitative analysis they can beat us, but that doesn't mean they're smarter overall. Humans are better for analyzing new situations and we change our self according to the situation, humans find a solution for the problems-- computers need to be told what to do. Humans are capable of qualitative analysis and emotional intelligence.
                   If we have a computer system which works like a human, then it would be a super computer in real sense. We still don’t know the how the brain works completely. After much improvement we could make a machine that works as a human brain. There are so many implementations has to be occur and maintained. Then only we can make a human machine.

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